Put-In-Bay Senior Center News August

PUT-IN-BAY OHIO Wow, can you believe it’s August already at the Put-In-Bay Senior Center? … where does the time go? In July, we enjoyed several Put-In-Bay Senior Center requested events. They included a fun-filled day on the mainland for lunch and shopping, then 34 of us took a day trip to Toledo to tour
The National Museum of the Great Lakes and enjoyed lunch at Tony Packo’s. And finally, a small group of our ladies went to the Lakeside Women’s Club Tour of Homes. We also started a 6-week long watercolor and acrylic painting class.
We have several more special events and programs planned for August at the Put-In-Bay Senior Center:
On Tuesday, August 8th, at 1 p.m. here at the Put-In-Bay Senior Center, Bob Reynolds, the grandson of the Matthews Boat Company founders, will be presenting a special program: Maiden Voyage of the “Onward.” It’s the story of the 1906 voyage of the 70-ft. yacht down the Mississippi, around Florida, and back to Lake Erie.
Then on Tuesday, August 15th, at 2:30 p.m., Gene Zajac will be giving an informational program on the upcoming Solar Eclipse here at the Put-In-Bay Senior Center. We will then meet on Monday, August 21st, from 1 to 3 p.m. to watch the eclipse. The special glasses needed to observe the eclipse will be provided safely.
Finally, on Wednesday, August 30th, we’ll enjoy a summer picnic while watching the Put-in-Bay Road Races at the airport. And don’t forget, every Wednesday in August (except August 30th) from 1 to 3 p.m., our Celeste Mycoskie will continue teaching us watercolor and acrylic painting! The cost/class is $8.
Please remember to check the bulletin board at the Put-In-Bay Senior Center and the calendars posted at the Senior Center, General Store, Put-in-Bay Post Office, Twp. Office, Put-in-Bay Library and our website: www.PIBseniorcenter.org for any last-minute events that are not planned far enough in advance to get them on the calendar in time for this publication!
Our Put-In-Bay Senior Center Lunches are always fun! The summer schedule keeps Tipper’s very busy, with lunch being served every Monday and Thursday at noon. Please make your reservation by signing up at the Senior Center or calling the center at (419) 285-5501. Cut-off times for reservations remain as follows: Noon Friday for Monday’s lunch and Noon Wednesday for Thursday’s lunch.
The awesome people at the Put-in-Bay EMS continue to take Blood Pressure every Monday at 10 a.m. This is an excellent service they provide, so feel free to get yours checked. The “60+ Clinic” is scheduled for Thursday, August 24th. The Ottawa County Health Dept puts this free health clinic on for those 60 and older. If you’d like to take advantage of this excellent program, please call 419-734-6800 to make your appointment. Also, remember on days when the temperature is 90+ degrees, the Put-In-Bay Senior Center will be open to Resident Seniors if they need a break from the heat.
A couple of shout-outs go to Billy Market and the Miller Boat Line Schedule for always caring for the Seniors on their mainland excursions!!! Also to Yard-works for maintaining the planter around the front sign at the Senior Center…we all appreciate having it look so lovely! And another to Perry Holiday for allowing us to use their pool for our Aquamotion classes!”
All of our regularly scheduled weekly activities continue, and the seniors have discovered the many health benefits, both mental and physical, that regular exercise and socializing provide. Please join us anytime and discover what wonderful people walk through these doors!