Graduating Class 2017
Put-in-Bay School News June 2017 What Did You Miss?
This year’s Put-in-Bay School graduation ceremony will be held at Perry’s Victory Visitor’s Center at Put in Bay on Friday, June 2 at 7 p.m. Addressing this year’s graduating class will be Stephanie Bianchi. Stephanie is the daughter of island residents David and Debbie Bianchi and a 2006 graduate of Put-in-Bay School. Put-in-Bay School students in the “Class of 2017” have ambitious plans after graduation:
• Andrea Blumensaadt will take a year off after graduation to spend time with her son. In the fall of 2018, she will begin taking courses for a nursing degree. Andrea will stay on the island soon but is excited about possibly starting her nursing career on the mainland.
• Ericson Booker will head to the University of Dayton in the fall to major in entrepreneurship and minor in finance. He hopes to start a successful business, continue to live in Ohio, and keep Put-in-Bay close. He plans to travel a lot, see more of the world, and experience different cultures.
• Tommy Chrysler is furthering his education thru an EHOVE Career Center Work-Release Program with the Miller Boat Line in the mechanical industry. After graduation, he plans to continue working for MBL and may attend a tech school to obtain advanced certifications. Tommy is an avid hunter and fisherman.
• Kaylyn Goebel will attend The Ohio State University, majoring in psychology and education. She is planning to pursue a career as a teacher in underdeveloped countries. Aside from that, she hopes to join the Peace Corps and find a way to help others while traveling the world.
• Tyler King is excited to be an Ohio State Buckeye! He will begin his college career in Columbus this fall. Tyler is interested in studying nutrition and business and will explore both options for a major and career. His ideal job would be working as a sports nutritionist.
• Matthew Luecke is interested in taking music technology classes and starting a career in the music business. He also enjoys working outdoors doing construction. Ideally, he would like to have a foot in the door with both occupations to see which works best for him.
• Mari Kate Polston plans to attend Michigan Tech and obtain a license enabling her to be a Certified Nursing Assistant. After that, she aspires to attend Delta Community College and become a Registered Nurse. In her spare time, Mari Kate loves photography and playing the tuba.
• Carter Pugh has enrolled at Columbus State Community College in the fall to pursue a degree in finance. He is considering all options regarding a career path but would like to start his own business someday. Maybe in Hawaii!
• Sophia Schroeder will attend The Ohio State University this fall and major in biochemistry. She enjoys conducting research and would enjoy a job studying microfibers at the OSU Stone Lab. A long-term goal for Sophia is to attend medical school to be a gastroenterologist.
Congratulations to Put-in-Bay School sophomores Jack Booker and Max Schneider for being chosen to attend the Hugh O’Brian Leadership Academy. Students around the state are selected for demonstrating leadership ability and service. Erin Urge will represent Put-in-Bay High School at the American Legion’s Buckeye Girls State. High school juniors from around Ohio will converge on Ashland University this month to learn about government, governmental agencies, and law. Congratulations to Erin.
On April 26, senior Kaylyn Goebel was recognized for her academic achievements at the Ottawa County Top Ten Banquet. Kaylyn is this year’s Valedictorian and recipient of the Earl Johnson Scholarship. She is the daughter of Mike and Gina Goebel. Congratulations Kaylyn! On Friday, May 5th, senior Tyler King was honored at the Ottawa County Nine-to-Five Breakfast at the Mon Ami restaurant.
Tyler was one of eighteen Ottawa County students recognized. Students were selected for this honor for personal achievements in academics and leadership. Tyler recognized his grandmother, Theresa Finney, for being a positive difference in his life. Congratulations Tyler!
Put-in-Bay School Senior Carter Pugh was recently inducted into the National Technical Honor Society at EHOVE Career Center. He is the son of Scott and Kim Pugh. Great job, Carter! Be reminded that Thursday, June 1, is the last day of school
with a noon dismissal. Elementary students will have their annual “field day,” while high school students will test and clean out lockers. All Put-in-Bay students will enjoy a pizza lunch before being dismissed. Cameo has donated pizza on the last day of school for nine years. Thanks, Cameo!