Put-in-Bay Reverse Raffle Annual Tradition Fundraiser
Another annual Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce Reverse Raffle is over, and the ghost of the last Godfather of Cleveland, John Scalish, was probably laughing himself silly as he watched emcees Ray Fogg and Duff Spatafore doing their Italian imitations at this year’s raffle. Ray’s version of an Italian mob-wise guy wasn’t wrong, considering Fogg probably has very little DNA from the famous boot-shaped country.
He more than likely had a few lessons from the ghost whose personage for many years frequented Tony’s Place, now Fogg’s Reel Bar. Spatafore on the other hand, who can’t deny the roots of his DNA with a name like that, reminded us of an Italian barber who wanted to impress his friends with his imaginary connections with the mob. The two had the audience laughing the entire evening. Ryan Stoiber ended up buying shots for the crowd of 200 plus after his wife mistakenly yelled “BINGO” prematurely.
One of the highlights of the Reverse Raffle was their courting of Island General Store butcher Don Ruggiero, who, by all standards, had become the official “Don” of South Bass Island that night. The night’s big winner was Amy Huston, who walked away with the grand prize of $3000.
When the last ten raffle ticket holders came forward for the final countdown, Amy steadfastly stuck to her guns, wanting to split the final prize among the contestants. One by one, their numbers were called. Even at the very last, when she and Scott Market were left standing together, she wanted to split, but Scott insisted on not breaking. He still won a nice change, but Amy lucked out.
A big thank you goes out to the Stoibers, Ryan, Kim and June, Cara Bast, and the other helpers for their dedication to making the Reverse Raffle event the success year after year. We must also put in a good word about the beautiful spread Kevin Dailey and his Put-in-Bay Boathouse Bar staff put out for the event. We’ve been to many weddings where the food wasn’t even near this night’s fare. Thanks also go to Pauline Garsteck for the delicious dessert. If you walked away hungry, it was your fault.